28 rue Chapelet 64200 Biarritz
The hirer is the natural person in whose name the contract is issued. The Hirer is both the payer and the principal driver. The Hirer is the company Campy Camper which offers the Hirer the possibility of renting the vehicle described on the “Description” sheet attached to this contract. Campy Camper is registered in the Bayonne trade and company register under the number 532 251 899, the company name MT as a SARL. The head office is located at 28, rue chapelet – 64200 Biarritz France.
The hirer having reserved a vehicle by internet, by phone or on the spot and accepting this offer commits himself to respect the contractual provisions as described below without restriction.
The contract includes the general conditions (defined below), the special conditions (if necessary), the description of the vehicle drawn up jointly on departure and return, the invoice and the deposit.
Article 1 – Conditions to be met to rent
The driver must meet the following conditions:
-Be a holder of a driving license and able to prove it for 3 years
-present a national, European or international driving license with more than 3 years of seniority
-present proof of address
-Be able to provide a credit card with the name and surname of the tenant
-be in possession of the reservation confirmation sent by the rental company beforehand
All these documents must be valid. Various copies of official documents will not be accepted.
If these conditions are not met, Campy Camper has the right to cancel or refuse any rental under the responsibility of the hirer and no compensation will be paid to the hirer.
The hirer may add a secondary driver to the contract free of charge. The secondary driver must meet the same requirements as the primary driver and must provide all required documents. This driver is covered by the same contract as the main driver. In the event of an offence, the main driver will be designated as responsible by default. In case of withdrawal of license of the main driver and in the case where the option “additional driver” was not subscribed, the tenant will be in the obligation to pay the expenses of repatriation of the vehicle to the head office of Biarritz. Thus, only the driver(s) registered and named on the rental contract are insured under the insurance contract of the renter. Consequently, when the vehicle is driven by a driver not named in the contract, the hirer remains solely responsible for all costs resulting from an accident.
Article 2 – The rented vehicle
A descriptive external and internal state (state and inventory of the bodywork and the material provided) of the vehicle drawn up jointly at the beginning and end of the rental is attached to the contract. Thus, the hirer must imperatively inform the lessor of any apparent defect. Otherwise, the vehicle is considered to be in conformity with the basic descriptive state. Any complaint not stipulated at the beginning cannot be taken into account.
The vehicle must be returned in the state in which the hirer received it and in conformity with the descriptive state of departure without restriction.
The tenant commits himself to return the vehicle clean inside and outside. Otherwise, cleaning costs will be charged at a rate of 60 euros including VAT. The cleanliness of the vehicle is determined upon return of the rental.
All the expenses generated by the restoration of the vehicle will be charged to the tenant and deducted from the deposit (except insurance subscribed to the reservation).
In addition, any equipment listed on the description of the vehicle at the start, not returned or damaged at the end of the rental period will be charged to the tenant on the basis of its new purchase price displayed at the head office of the rental company.
The expenses of fuel are the responsibility of the tenant. The lessor provides the vehicle with a full tank of fuel on departure as a service to the customer. If the lessee does not return the vehicle with a full tank, the lessor will ensure the filling of the vehicle and will invoice the customer for the fuel costs increased to the filling of the vehicle at the rate in force (2.50€/L on 1/3/2022) and specified in the special conditions.
Article 3 – Use of the vehicle
The tenant commits himself to respect the Highway Code throughout the rental period. Any contravention and fine relating to the infringements and violation of the Highway Code are the responsibility of the tenant throughout the rental period. They will be charged to the custody and use of the vehicle. A management fee of 40 € TTC for each violation of the Highway Code or fine attributable to the use of the vehicle will be paid to the renter. The hirer by signing this contract commits himself not to drive under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or any substance likely to affect driving in accordance with the Highway Code. On the other hand, the permanent prudence at the wheel of the vehicle of the hirer is required and this in particular in the event of tiredness where pauses are to be respected. The vehicle may not carry more people than the number indicated on the vehicle’s registration document and may not exceed the weight limit indicated on the registration document.
On the other hand, the tenant commits himself to appreciate with precision the size of the vehicle, the shocks high of body and under body are not covered by the insurance.
In addition the rented vehicle cannot be used for :
to be re-rented
-for the paid transport of passengers
-for any participation in competitions, rallies and others
-to give driving lessons
-for any towing of another vehicle
-on roads that are not passable
-for illegal purposes
The renter undertakes to keep the rented vehicle closed and locked outside the periods of its use and to ensure that the keys are not left on board.
The absence of return of the keys of the vehicle will involve the forfeiture of the guarantee theft. All the expenses generated by the creation of new keys will be the responsibility of the tenant. The tenant commits himself to circulate strictly and only on the territories enumerated below: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Principality of Monaco, Liechtenstein.
In addition, the tenant undertakes to carry out the various controls of use relating to the use of any motorized vehicle is the levels of engine oil and coolant, at the start (as well as tire pressure and other visual observations …. ) or beyond the 1000 kilometers for the recent campy or every 2 days for the vintage combis. The tenant will have to be permanently vigilant as for the various warning lights emitted on the dashboard and will have to immediately alert the hirer. Any damage caused by a lack of vigilance on the part of the hirer (oil level, coolant, overheating of the engine, wrong choice of fuel, getting stuck, damage to the gearbox, battery) will remain at his expense.
In case of breakdown, accident or theft, the renter benefits from a technical assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He agrees to call the telephone number listed in the “vehicle papers”. As regards the assistance of the vehicle, the tenant agrees to conform precisely to the instructions which will be communicated to him by his correspondent. Otherwise, the hirer will remain financially responsible for the services that he/she will have implemented on his/her own initiative and without the prior agreement of his/her correspondent. In case of theft or attempted theft, the hirer must declare it to the police or gendarmerie authorities as well as to the lessor as soon as he/she is aware of it and provide the latter within 48 working hours with the complaint and return the original vehicle keys. In the event of a traffic accident, the renter must declare it immediately (within 24 hours) and give the lessor a legible copy of the accident report completed and signed by both parties as well as the contact details of witnesses, if any. In case of accident without third party, the tenant will make a statement of the exact circumstances of the disaster to the hirer.
Article 4 – Insurance
In accordance with the regulations in force, the driver(s) designated in the contract benefit(s) from the professional all-risk automobile insurance policy taken out by the lessor (including a deductible of 2500 euros (or 500€ in case of choice of the deductible reduction option). This insurance policy is valid in the countries mentioned in article 3. In the event of a claim, a handling fee of 40 € including VAT per claim will be added by the lessor to the repair costs subject to a partial or total deduction of the excess. In case of non responsibility recognized by the insurer of the hirer (identified third party being the subject of an amicable report) only the expenses of management are retained on the frankness.
The tenant is not insured in the cases listed below:
-If the tenant is unable to return the original keys of the vehicle to the lessor after having noticed the theft of the vehicle. In this case and if the insurance of the hirer rejects the compensation for this cause, he will be held to the payment of the value of the vehicle estimated by an expert.
-When the damage to the vehicle concerns interior deterioration, is the consequence of overloading, misjudgment by the driver of the vehicle’s size, particularly on the upper parts (above the windshield) and the lower parts (below the bumper), damage to tires, hubcaps and rims as well as the mechanical consequences of this damage and which are not taken into account by the insurance.
-When the renter, despite the awareness of Campy Camper, decides to use the gas stove inside the vehicle and not outside. The gas stove being mobile, it is strictly necessary to use it outside the vehicle.
-When the driver is in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of narcotics as defined by the Highway Code, when the driver has absorbed medication, prescribed or not, whose instructions state that their use is likely to cause a state of drowsiness.
-When the damage to the vehicle occurs while the vehicle has not been returned on the date provided for in this contract, this case being considered as driving against the will of the renter and as a hijacking of the vehicle. This provision does not apply if the lessee has obtained an express agreement to extend the rental period from the lessor.
-If the lessee has provided the lessor with false information regarding his identity or the validity of his driver’s license. It will be the same in case of false declarations on the joint report or the declaration of damage or the descriptive state at the return of the vehicle.
-for damage or loss, of any nature whatsoever, affecting personal effects, objects, etc.
-when the damage results from a voluntary act of the tenant
-when the vehicle is used for the paying transport of passengers or for learning to drive.
-when the vehicle is rented and used in overload, carrying a number of passengers or a load higher than that authorized on the registration card. In this case, only the civil liability guarantee can be applied.
-In the case of glass breakage with standard deductible.
In all these cases, the tenant is indebted to the height of the frankness of the totality of the repairs and/or the value of the vehicle on presentation of the corresponding justifications.
La durée de contrat de location est valable depuis l’heure de mise à disposition du véhicule à la fin de la location autrement dit de l’instant de remise des clés du loueur vers le locataire et de la remise des clés du locataire au loueur. Le contrat prendra fin à la date/heure de restitution précisé au contrat. Le locataire bénéficie de 60 minutes de tolérance pour la remise des clés à la fin de la location. Le loueur se réserve le droit de facturer sur la base d’un forfait d’un montant de 30,00 € TTC par heure de retard s’il subissait un préjudice.
Les périodes de location s’organisent suivant le système de saisonnalité. En haute saison un minimum de 7 jours de location est requis et en basse/moyenne saison un minimum de 2 jours de location est requis (1 nuit minimum). Tout dépassement devra faire l’objet d’un renouvellement de contrat qui devra être confirmé par le loueur. Pour tout manquement aux démarches relatives au renouvellement de contrat, le locataire se verra contraint de payer la valeur journalière de location ajoutée à une indemnité de 50 Euros TTC par jour.
Article 5 – Duration of the rental
The duration of the rental contract is valid from the time the vehicle is made available to the renter until the end of the rental period, i.e. from the moment the keys are handed over from the renter to the renter and from the moment the renter hands over the keys to the renter. The contract will end at the date/time of return specified in the contract. The tenant benefits from 60 minutes of tolerance for the handing-over of the keys at the end of the hiring. The hirer reserves the right to invoice on the basis of a fixed price of 30,00 € TTC per hour of delay if he undergoes a prejudice.
The rental periods are organized according to the seasonal system. In high season a minimum of 7 days rental is required and in low/medium season a minimum of 2 days rental is required (1 night minimum). Any overrun will have to be the subject of a contract renewal which will have to be confirmed by the hirer. For any failure to renew the contract, the renter will be obliged to pay the daily rental value plus an indemnity of 50 Euros per day.
Article 6 – Payment
The hirer(s) are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the cost of the rental including the cost of the rental of the vehicle calculated according to the rates in force plus the total cost of the different options subscribed by the hirer(s), the additional insurance accepted by the hirer(s) as well as the deposit. This amount is payable in advance, i.e. at the time of booking the vehicle.
As far as the security deposit is concerned, which as its name indicates protects the renter from any risks related to the rental. This amount amounts to 2500 € (or 500€ in case of choice of option of reduction of franchise) and is the subject of a bank imprint not debited.
This bank imprint is kept for the duration of the rental. The hirer has the right to keep it beyond this period to guarantee the payment of offences, especially abroad, which would reach him after the rental.
This deposit will guarantee in particular expenses of restoration not covered by the insurance and other expenses undergone by hirer and not regulated by the tenant. Thus, all the expenses which are not taken in charge by the insurance are taken from the amount of the deposit.
In addition, any seizure of the vehicle at the border of one of the countries not mentioned in article 3 or for any other seizure relating to the control of the borders, will be invoiced to the tenant, that is to say the repatriation of the vehicle as well as 1500 € of fixed fine.
The renter accepts the following means of payment:
– Bank/credit card: Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard, Carte bleue. Cards issued by banks outside France must be international bank cards.
– Paypal or Stripe account
– in cash: euros or dollars.
-Debit cards are not accepted. Any other means of payment will be refused.
Article 7 – Cancellation
Cancellation by the tenant
All cancellation requests must be made in writing. The following charges will be incurred in case of cancellation (excluding cancellation option):
– less than 6 weeks before the first day of the reservation date, the full rental fee is due and the lessor will collect the full rental fee
– more than 6 weeks before the first day of the reservation date, the lessor will reimburse the totality of the sums paid by the tenant(s) – the management fees specified in the CP
Any change of date or rental period caused by the tenant will be considered as a new reservation and will be subject to the tariff in force for the period, subject to availability.
The cancellation option allows you to cancel and be reimbursed for the sums incurred (- management fees) up to 72 hours before departure.
Cancellation by the renter
The rental company may cancel the reservation in the following situations:
– the tenant’s driving license is not valid
– the number of renters is higher than the number of passengers accepted by the car registration, i.e. higher than 3
– the tenant cannot meet the amount of the security deposit
– the tenant is not able to provide the papers required for any reservation request stipulated in article 1
– the tenant is not able to provide the confirmation of reservation sent beforehand by the hirer
In case of cancellation request by the hirer, the vehicle object of the reservation will be unreserved and the rental company will be able to make the corresponding vehicle available for a new reservation.
Article 8 – Data Protection Act
The personal data requested for any rental are necessary for the elaboration of the rental contract. However and in accordance with the law “informatique et libertés” of January 6, 1978 and modified, the tenant has a right of opposition to the recording on a file and the use of his personal data as well as a right of access, of correction, of suppression relating to the data in personal matter relating to it. To exercise this right, a written request must be sent to the company’s head office, i.e. to the following address Campy Camper 28, rue chapelet 64200 Biarritz.
Any breach of the present general conditions of sale and in case of non amicable settlement of any claim, the disputes will be brought to the competent French courts.